Politische Ethik

As a discipline concerned with how society or a political order can be structured in a good and just manner, (Christian) social ethics shares many intersections with political ethics. The political-ethical research at the department focuses on issues such as democracy and human rights, as well as an exploration of theories of justice, power, and authority. A key aspect is the discussion of social rights in the context of the Christian social ethics' core social principles of personhood, solidarity, and subsidiarity. Not least, the research also addresses ecological issues and questions of sustainability, which are gaining increasing significance in light of climate change (cf. Spieß 2022, 241ff.).

Spieß, Christian (2022), Politik, in: Marianne Heimbach-Stein, Michelle Becka, Johannes J. Frühbauer, Gerhard Kruip (Hg.): Christliche Sozialethik. Grundlagen – Kontexte – Themen. Ein Lehr- und Studienbuch: Verlag Friedrich Pustet Regensburg, 241-260).