Fragestellung und Zielsetzung
We aim to demonstrate that a fundamental reflection on the understanding of education, as well as on essential aspects of AI-supported higher education, is indispensable for capturing the scope of ethically relevant questions. To formulate recommendations for political action in the area of AI transformation in higher education, we want to:
- Identify what exactly characterizes developments in AI-based higher education and
- Understand how these developments change our perceptions of what education should achieve and what goals it should pursue,
- Explore how this might redefine what is considered valid and legitimate knowledge,
- Investigate how this may alter the design of educational processes, etc.
This will enable us to comprehend and evaluate the actual extent of the ethical implications of these technologies in higher education. The following research questions will be addressed:
- What qualifies our understanding of higher education (educational objectives, concept of humanity, pedagogical practices, etc.)?
- What are the central elements of developments in AI-based higher education management or AI-supported higher education?
- How do these developments affect our understanding of education? How do AI-based technologies in higher education change our perceptions of the meaning and purpose of education?
- What does a changing understanding of education mean for the ethical evaluation of AI-based technologies in higher education? What does this mean for our society?
- What (political) recommendations for action arise from an ethical evaluation based on such a fundamental reflection on the understanding of education?